Monday, December 10, 2007

Who said regression is a bad thing?

This whole being an adult and finding a job and being responsible thing is for the birds.

I've been out of school for nearly six months now (terrifying thought, y'all) and I still don't have a real job. I mean, I'm working with a radio station and doing very unglamorous street team work since ... ya know ... it's an "in" at a radio station, and I'm nearly at the end of a month long trial holding period thing with a marketing and advertising firm that I really want to work for, but it's not where I thought i would be six months out of college.

I know, I know, I'm totally not strange here in terms of the job. Sadly I'm pretty much the norm, give or take a month or so. It's just so frustrating. And embarrassing to have to admit to other people. Sure, it's something that is a part of growing up and become an adult and all those other Hallmark card-esque statements, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

Top that joyousness off with the fact that I only just got health insurance today (I got cut off five months ago from my dad's, and I've been looking for a plan that isn't shit ever since), I'm in the process of filling out paperwork to defer my enormous student loans cause of the aforementioned lack of jobness, I'm searching for, finding, and filling out the paperwork for some unclaimed funds of mine, doing my Christmas planning and shopping, and trying to keep in shape and I think you Lucky Readers of mine can see why I think Peter Pan may have had a good idea.

So my new mission is to work on finding a way to regress back to the few perfectly wonderful years of my childhood that I had (ya know, before school and divorce came into the picture) when the most I had to worry about was what board game I was going to play with my sister and whether or not it was warm enough to ride my bike or not.

Any guidance on how to do that? Anyone?