Monday, March 30, 2009

I have returned triumphant!

So I took a break from blogging. Mostly cause I needed time to myself to get over everything that was going down with me. The lowness, the break up, the not-so-happy bout the work…I needed to let all of that breath for a moment.

But I’m back now. Here’s the uber-update. And by uber I hope I mean shortish. Cause I don’t want to inundate my Party People.

I’m pretty much over the Roth break up. It sucked pretty hardcore for about two weeks, but luckily I was able to get back into the male swing of things pretty quickly. I already have three guys that are expressing interest, and although one is seeming to be absolutely wonderful and fantastic, I’m letting myself keep my options open. I feel a bit weird about this, don’t get me wrong. Ideally I want to be with one person that loves the hell out of me. But until I find that person I have to relax and let myself figure out who that will be. Keeping options open seems to be the most ideal way to do this. Let’s just hope it doesn’t come back to bite me in the ass.

In terms of the lowness I’m pretty much out of it. I still have to fight not feeling lonely and rejected. Cause let’s face it, that’s what mind frame Roth put me into. But my amazing friends and these new fellas have helped to distract me from feeling that way every time it gets bad. Partially because I’m becoming smart enough to reach out when I feel shitty, but mostly because they are simply there. And for me that’s more important than anything else.

So hooray for that.

Let’s see…in terms of work things have gone from bad to worse. I have a feeling my boss might be trying to make me quit. But I can’t. So this has been an interesting last couple weeks. I’m pretty much just buckling down and trying to make it through the weeks without people having to yell at me as much as possible. Sigh… I hope things get better soon.

The fitness is going well too. My schedule has made it difficult to steadily go to the gym, but at least when I go now I feel comfortable really working myself out. By that I mean kicking my own ass. I no longer feel weird about using the free weights (used to be intimidated by the big bulky guys that hang out there), and I feel like a part of the gym enough now that I have people that wave at me when they see me come in. So…ta dow.

I don't know... I feel like I'm very close to being on my game. I went into battle and everything turned out positively. As if I'm riding in on my horse to my hometown, nearly done with my epic journey back home with the head of my enemy in my sack to be placed upon a pike as a warning to any others that might threaten me.

...or other images that are not nearly as creepy.

I think that’s about it for now. I promise I am back in the game, and regular blogging will occur again now. So…enjoy that mo fos!

Monday, March 2, 2009

I'm a Sad Panda.

So Roth and I broke up. And the Kendragon is far from rejoicing.

Rather the Kendragon feels stupid and like it’s all her fault. And that’s not cute. Not at all.

I mean yes he lied to me. And yes he did it poorly. And yes I found out. And yes he lied when I called him on it until I told him I have proof. And yes when we were having the break up conversation (that would be the second time around for those keeping track) he told me that he didn’t have near the feelings for me that I had for him, and he admitted that he should have told me that weeks ago. And yes he may have been horrible at communicating with me overall and I was nothing but great to him at all times, and if he can’t see that he’s an idiot.


I don’t know…I just feel like this all could have been avoided if I wasn’t a moron. I could have not agreed to get together with him again in the first place. I could have stopped seeing him the minute I realized I had feelings for someone who was very straight forward with me about not wanting anything remotely serious. I could have seen that his refusal to communicate or see me regularly was probably a sign that I was getting involved with someone who was going to be distant.

But of course I didn’t do that. Cause Kendragon’s are very, very silly.

Awesome former Roomie was completely amazing last night with helping me feel better. And let me just state right here how much I appreciate that. But the fact of the matter is no matter how logically I know that none of this is my fault, in my heart I know it really is.

I just wish he hadn’t fought to get me back into his life. That simple fact had me operating off a false assumption that he had some real feelings for me. Silly, silly Kendragon. You should have know that the guy that could hurt you once couldn’t really appreciate you. Not really.


Oh…and this whole thing’s totally not helping the massive lowness either. Dragged me right back into the muck. Thanks Roth. Thanks.

I’m a sad, sad Panda, Party People.