Got some good news and bad news, Party People.
Okay bad news first:
I think my job is making me sick. I’m so stressed lately that I’ve been getting all sorts of problems with my mouth lately. Cause as we know, my mouth and throat are retarded and are the first places that I get messed up when my body has problems. I’ve got weird white lines running along either side of my tongue (showed it to a friend and she told me that it looks like something she had for awhile when she was under tons of stress, and according to my research it’s some type of auto-immune response to stress), my tongue randomly swells but only when I’m at work, and I’ve been getting tons of canker sores again, which my doctor tells me is probably because of …take a guess…stress. I think I’m allergic to my job, Party People. Wee!
Now to the good news:
Everything else is going great! Still rocking the gym. Clothes are fitting more loosely all the time. I’ve been rocking music from the late 80s and early 90s for the past week or so at work (‘Valerie’ by Steve Winwood anyone?) and its easing some of my tension. I’m only about a week from going out to see Awesome Former Roomie in Chicago and I’m super pumped for that. Crazy has been staying away for the past month or so. Lots of good stuff.
Oh…and then there’s the new guy. I think I’ll call him Max. As in Max Powers. Cause he loves that episode of the Simpsons. Which makes me VERY happy.
Max is pretty great and I’m enjoying him a whole bunch. And its mostly cause there are no games with this one. He’s very up front with me and clearly communicative. I think we’re pretty much at the same place in our lives and it’s very comfortable to be with him.
Not to mention he’s cute as the day is long, very muscly, smarter than many people I know, charming, not afraid to show affection without being gross about it, has great friends that I like hanging out with, and he’s NERDY! I adore that he’s nerdy. So…Max is quickly becoming one of the highlights of my day-to-day.
And I’m seeing him tonight. And I’m excited. And I’m also very dorky about this guy.
The only thing that worries me right now is that I’m moving a bit too fast with Max. But basically he’s been the one taking all the initiative, and I’m aware of the fact that I need to let things just happen without any pressure. And I think I’m doing that to be honest; I’m letting things kind of evolve with him and so far we’re getting a pretty cool species.
So to sum up, Max is great. My health is more-or-less great. My friends are great. Now if we can make one last piece of the puzzle to come together, I won’t have anything to complain about!
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