Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I officially own my own little geometric shape. The welcome wagon left me a fruit basket yesterday.

So I'm about half way through my second week at work and I must say I love it!!!! I mean I seriously adore the position.

I love the people in the office, the type of work we do, and the way we do it. I felt comfortable, accepted, and at home within the second day and confident in my abilities by the end of the first week. I already can joke around with my coworkers/boss and we've all found several common interests - the coolest of which being a similar taste in film.

I even like my little cubicle. It has a window on one side that looks out on some trees (...and another company's loading dock, but I'll take it anyway) and I put up some pictures and have made it my little nook. Joy!

What's kind of rough though is they definitely are throwing me into the deep end, and I don't get the feeling that I'll be wadding in the kiddie pool any time soon. I mean by the end of the second day I was already being sent tasks by every member of the office (note, there are only seven of us total right now, but still...), being given several big projects by my boss, and being sent tons of emails everyday with information to keep our database up-to-date.


Not that I'm complaining. Much to the contrary I'm thrilled. I love that everyone feels confident enough in my abilities to trust me with so much work. Plus I've always said that i would rather be busy than bored, so it's all fitting with that theme.

And apparently I'm impressing my boss by being able to keep up with things as well as I have been. Yesterday she jokingly told me that it's all my fault that I've been getting so much work, because I've proven that I can handle it. I find that funny cause I don't really think I've been working all that hard. I guess I just can't help myself in the over reaching department.

Oh, and then there's the head guy who is very intense, but in a good way. On my first day he pulled me into his office to tell me that he, my boss, and the other important person who hired me were all really impressed by me during the marathon three hour interview and found me to be rather intelligent (great compliment), and that because of that they were expecting me to really learn our rather complicated database system as soon as possible so that I can figure out some ways to make it work more efficiently for us. Mind you, our IT guy hasn't been able to do this in about four years so.. no pressure.

And speaking of no pressure from my head guy, he also told me yesterday that if I can figure out how to customize the database for us I'll get a big bonus. You know why? Cause if I do I'll be keeping them from having to bring in a consultant from the company that made the database, since the company claims that it has to be done specially.

I don't know whether to be complimented by the fact that he thinks I am that damn good, or worried that he somehow thinks I'm capable of such silliness.

But I'll try for it. And try to get used to the mountain of work that I apparently am going to be getting every week. And keep working to the best of my abilities.

Cause I really like this job Lucky Readers. This fast, this strongly, I truly do.

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