Sunday, January 6, 2008

Nothing beats the hobo life/Stabbing folks with my hobo knife. Oh, no need to worry, I'm just having fun with you no-bos!

So I think I'm gonna find out what it's like to be a hobo soon. Check that life goal off of my list now!

Remember that one job I thought was going to come through and be awesome? didn't. But I did get an oh-so-not-really-useful "Two members of my board of directors saw some of your work and said to hire you immediately, but we just don't have work for ya so suck it! Ha ha! Oh, and that hiring bonus for the month you worked without pay...yea you only get that if you are fully hired, so you get jack. Tee hee! I'm such a cad!"

I may have paraphrased.

But now I'm going to get to take this setback as an opportunity to put all my belongings into a giant hankie and tie the ends to a stick so that it makes it easy to throw them into a moving train car as i run alongside it, trying to get far enough ahead of it so that I can jump in without hurting myself so that i can ride the rails to my next adventure. And on the way I can do jigs for lunch meat and swap stories for sponge baths. Wee hoo!!

In reality I'm totally not mad at the dude I want to be my boss. Actually, I respect him bunches for being straight with me every step of the way. It's just rough as shit to have someone tell you that they love your work and they are completely impressed by you and to have it not count for anything.

Even rougher (albeit positive in it's own right) thing I found out from this whole job experiment is that I really, really like the advertising end of marketing. I mean, I knew I enjoyed marketing, but I didn't know what direction I wanted to go with under that umbrella besides definitely not sales, so knowing this is great. But knowing that this is what I want makes it that much tougher to have it held just out of my reach...taunting me.

It's like when I'm playing with a string with my cat.

Ohhhhh poor Kendragon! Is the great-job-in-the-field-you-love too high? Maybe I'll lower it just a bit...OH!!!! Too slow!

And yes I still have the street team job with the radio station, but I really don't like it. It's not so much the work that sucks, but rather the horrible inconsistency of it. I mean, I can't even pay for my gas with it, which was why I took the not so great job in the first place. That and I thought it would be a good "in" at a radio station, but that's proving to be a bad plan since no real jobs are ever posted.


So I'm still, still, STILL looking for work and going out of my gourd. But I may have a lead, knock on wood, and that'll be nice if that comes through, knock on wood. I just can't go on anymore bad interviews.

I went to one last week for a "marketing" company. You know, the crappy sales companies are getting really good at making themselves sound like legit marketing firms. That's how I get to these interviews in the first place. Then I figure out during the process that the company is either crappy or basically a pyramid scheme. Par example, at this interview I laughed as I stated how silly I think it is that sales companies try to pass themselves off as marketing firms. Ya know, thinking that someone in HR for a marketing firm would understand my frustration. Instead I get a blank stare as the woman who I soon learned was a complete and total ditz says, " is sales."

UGHHH!!!! It's like saying that a bus is a Porsche! I mean yes, they both get ya to where you need to be... but a bus is about getting you there with the huddled masses while a Porsche moves an individual with speed and class. It's just...not the same!

But anyway, I'm going crazy and poor at the same time. It's getting rough to do anything involving money right now, and to make things worse Neat is already talking about going back to Vegas and really wants me to come with her since we had such an amazing time, which I would love to do, but can't afford without a job, so...hooray.

The whole situation I'm in is just depressing. Luckily it's not triggering the crazy, but I'm terrified that it will. I'm just thankful that my friends and family have been great and awesome and patient with me. I mean, my dad has really started to step up to the plate, my mom and her fella have been wonderful since I've moved back in nearly every sense of the term, and my friends are trying to be really chill in their own little ways. I mean, it may not seem like a huge thing to everyone else to have your friends buy you a drink cause they know you can't afford a second one (that's right, I only allow myself one drink when we go out and that's only when I can get it for $5 or less CAUSE I'M POOR!!!!), but it's a biggie to me.

Speaking of family, my sister, her boy, and the kiddies came out between Christmas and New Years and it was amazing fun. Except for the night when I got woken up with one of the littl'uns puking next to my head and then proceeding to do the same down a hallway which I didn't know about until I slipped in it. Umm gross. And a nice reminder of the joys of parenthood. but besides that it was a great trip and I was thrilled to see them. i love that bunch of people more than I can say, y'all.

So now I will end this whining session. Wish me luck Lucky Readers as I try to find a job, which hopefully will not take another six months.

Ugh. Depressing.

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