Tuesday, April 1, 2008

On pins and needles...

So this is the last you'll hear of the teeth for the foreseeable future. Then I got some news.

I went and got my fillings today, and I was shocked at how efficiently and relatively painlessly everything was done. Much better than my former dentist. But then after the pain killers wore off I thought "Hey! Salad would be a good idea for lunch!", forgetting that everything is uber sensitive right now. I'm such a moron. It really hurts. But I think it went well and I'm happy with the resolution to my situation. Just not the pain caused by munching on hard lettuce leaves.

Now on to happier news.

I'm sure those of you who quasi-regularly read this thing (read as former roomie and her Salt Lake City dwelling friend) know I've been rather lonely for the males lately. I'm happy to report to those loyal Lucky Readers that I have gotten some substantive male attention recently (how sad do I feel writing that by the way) and after about three hours of going on about zombies (he's read World War Z, y'all!), amazingly awful horror movies, comedians, light politics, and then movies again I was urged by my friends to get the number which I very nervously did. After awesome former roomie literally yelled at me (thanks again by the way!) I called and yada yada yada I think I have a date on Saturday! To see The Ruins...cause when I said I think we should either go to Chicago 10 and discuss it afterwards or see The Ruins and make fun of it afterwards he chose the latter...which is so awesome. And so my personality. I love it.

Guys, he's super chill. And I'm super psyched. It's not that I haven't been approached by the fellas. I have. But they've all been dickwads or nerdy nerds or just plan ugly, so I'm thrilled that a guy i consider attractive and funny and well-versed actually seems (i stress that seems bit...don't wanna get my hopes up too much) to dig me. I'm actually quite floored by it.

See you gotta understand something. I'm still socially retarded when it comes to the whole dating game. I think like a 12 year old when it comes to guys I'm actually attracted to. I get all choked up when I talk to them, nervous, and very antsy. That is when I can actually suck it up and say anything. So for me this is a huge step, if nothing else. I honestly think that's what I'm most excited about - that I'm moving myself forward a bit.

So after I went to get my mouth drilled today I went to Filene's to kill time before I had to be back (damnit, you make me take off two work hours for my short appointment, I ain't getting back early) and wound up finding a super cute outfit that I'm gonna wear. I'm gonna go tan a couple days before hand and do my beautifying stuff so that I know I'm looking as foxy as possible. And then I'm going to be confident in my looks, assured of my personality, and totally freaking awesome.

God a 23-year-old should not be this pumped for a simple date. But I am. Cause I'm a nerd.

Send me positive thoughts y'all!

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