Oh my people. How can life be so crazy and so mundane simultaneously?
I’ve been running around busy-like the past week or so, and yet I feel like I’ve accomplished nothing. Want proof? Here!
I’ve worked a whole bunch for both jobs, but I also feel as if I’ve accomplished little.
I’ve gone on three dates in the past week with three different fellas (one was amazing, the other two kinda meh {oh, and I heard ‘meh’ is now a word in the dictionary. I feel I’ve contributed to this.}), but I still feel like I’m a bit alone. Maybe cause they were all only first dates, but still.
I’ve ran about twenty errands, but I know I have so much more to do in the next couple months.
I’ve figured out what I want to get a whole mess of people for Christmas, but have yet to buy/order any of it.
I’ve worked out a couple times, but since I’ve been feeling less than 100% I haven’t gone too hard.
So basically I’m a whole mess of dichotomies. Hopefully things will level out a bit before the end of the year. I’m in this really positive place right now, and I’ve decided that I’m going to do everything in my power to make 2009 an amazing year, and I’m thinking not being all over the board will help this mightily.
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