I know, I know, I know! I’m awful! I haven’t updated in a couple weeks. I’m a jerk.
But …umm…see I gots a good excuse.
I was out of town…and I saw my sister, and my brother-in-law, and my nieces…and they were cute. And I ate lots of Turkey and Killer Corn…..and…ummmm…played board games. So…it’s not my fault. Kay?
Okay, I hope that come off like a five year old telling a story to their parent, and I hope you visualized a very tiny me standing with her chin very high up, hands alternating between clasped behind the back and motioning widely to illustrate points, and shifting my weight from foot-to-foot repeatedly. Oh! And pigtails! Adorable pigtails!
Yea, I went to St. Louis for Thanksgiving and saw my family and it was sweetttttt. Six days off work is always great. My nieces are too awesome for words. The adults taught the kids how to play Clue this weekend and it was hilarious how into it they got. The youngest didn’t quite grasp the concept properly and would keep moving past rooms and therefore not making guesses because she wanted to go to the Kitchen. This may lose something in translation to you Lucky Readers, but it cracked me up every time we played.
I love my family.
I’m getting along better with the Madre, which is great cause I’m pretty sure that I won’t be able to move out for a very long time at this point. Cause I’m poor. Joy. But hey…I guess I’ll live.
The only thing that uber sucks right now is that I’m really lonely again. Everyone here in Cleveland is going into hibernation mode so I’m doing very little these days. And my lack of a good guy in my life is really highlighted right now. But I stand by my new-ish guy mantra that I would rather be alone then with an asshole, so …hooray?
But I’m off now. Crazy stuff to do tonight. Regular updating will occur again peps. Kendragon still loves ya. Awesome.
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