So in the interest of keeping people up-to-date on all that is awesome in the realm of the Kendragon, here’s a list of things that have been making me incredibly happy and content lately.
The Black Keys. Don’t know em? Look up ‘Strange Times’, ‘Lies’, and ‘The Breaks’. Mmm…good music. How you nourish me!

Speaking of good music, I got to go to a concert with C. Years ago when we were still dating he met Jared Leto when I was in Chicago, and since I LOVE him there has always been an understanding that eventually he would make it up to me. Well…he did so. I’ve loved the band Thursday since I was around 14. It was one of my first real concerts that I went to without parents, and at the old Grog Shop (people from Cleveland will understand the distinction and significance of this). I’ve loved them for a decade now. Well C hooked us up at the show. Not only did I get to meet the band and tell them that I’ve been following them for ever now, but they let us watch the show from side stage, signed a poster for me, and at the end of the show the drummer gave me his drum sticks that he used on stage! It was sweeeet. And we got some killer pictures too.

Okay…and while I’m thinking about the music that has been rocking my world, I’ve also been addicted to Dan la Sac vs. Scroobius Pip’s song ‘Fixed’. I already loved ‘Thou Shalt Always Kill’ but this is rocking my world so much. Enjoy the UK rap, Party People. I command it.
Whole Grain Cheerios with granola combined with blackberries and raspberries. It’s been my breakfast at work for the past few weeks. I look forward to it literally every morning. Freaking delicious.
For some reason I’ve been getting an ass load of movie passes lately. I’ve only paid for a few movies over the past month. Since I’m a girl that loves a deal I’ve been finding it fantastic that I can indulge my obsession for the cost of gas.
While I was working out at home the other day (yea…I do that now. Love being fit y’all) my mom came in to ask me a question and in mid-sentence stopped to gush that I’ve lost a whole bunch of weight. This from a woman that normally won’t tell me that she loves me because she finds it mushy. It made my entire week. And has really pushed me to want to hit the gym even harder.
And finally, the idea that I’m going to be in Chicago later this month to see Awesome Former Roomie and the pet nephews makes me so happy I can’t tell you about it. I miss them and my city so very, very much. Now if the boss would just approve the time off so that I can book my flight…grrrr….
So…totally loving the happiness. Let that be the great take away from this post.
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