So this is my 100th Post, Party People!!!
Wooo!! Look at the balloons dropping from the ceiling!!! It’s a Technicolor display of joy!!! Woooooo!!!!!!!!
For this monumental post I think I’m gonna just focus on the joyness that has been my past few days. Why will this be the focus? Cause I am opting to make this moment about awesomeness rather than Crazy.
Hear that Crazy you jerkoff? It ain’t all about you!
Anywhosel. So I’m looking foxy today. My hair stylist (whom I love love love) took me really blond for the summer and I’m totally feeling the bright locks. She also gave me a mini facial which was amazing. My skin is super duper smooth and I can’t stop touching it. Totally relaxing and wonderful trip to the spa. That coupled with my looking better and better all the time from all the working out.
I’m a bit vain about this I know, but I love how my body has changed from the exercise. I did spinning this weekend and I was able to do the entire class without any major issues. The last time I did spinning I was so out of shape that I nearly passed out and had to leave the class early. Clearly I’m improving. So that’s amazing to note.
Went and hung out with Neat this weekend for a bit. Had a nice little girl chat with her that nourished the feminine bit of me that I try to pretend doesn’t really exist. Which is why I love her. Cause she lets me be that way without mocking me or going to far into that mentality. It twas sweet.
I hung out with some really chill people this weekend. Doing stupid simple things but it was with such a fun group of new people that I dug every moment. One night we went to a cult film series showing of ‘The Thing’. God I love that movie! And the fact that I got to see it with people that were laughing at the same inappropriate moments as me totally took me back to Chicago and my peeps there.
Which I will be going back to in about two weeks y’all! Woohoo for seeing Awesome Former Roomie!
And I’m not gonna talk about it in too much detail since that usually ruins everything, but the group I was hanging out with might have contained a rather cute and charming young man that I enjoyed the company of. Tee!
So hooray Party People! Hooray for good weekends! Hooray for looking pretty! Hooray for being physically fit! Hooray for Neat! Hooray for cult movies! Hooray for planned trips to Chicago! Hooray for Awesome Former Roomie! Hooray for cute boys that seem to dig me!
And hooray for my having Party People that care about me enough to read about my life. Love you all. For reals yo.
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