Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ode to Awesome Former Roomie: Part Deux

Awesome Former Roomie is amazing. No, no, not just amazing. Something far more spectuacular than that. She's...fantabulous. No, not even that is sufficient to describe her splendor. I am forced to revert to the term coined by Will Ferrell as James Lipton on SNL, for if it is good enough for Charles Nelson Riley it's good enough for her.

She's scrumptralescent.

You demand proof? Well that's a bit pushy of you, but none the less I shall provide evidence.

1) She's freaking gorgeous. She doesn't seem to see this which makes her even more so. Humility is so very hot. She has limbs that go on forever, muscles that make her look defined without being masculine, curves til Tuesday, and skin like a porcelain doll. I have told her many times how I envy her high cheek bones and pouty lips. I just wanna snatch them off of her and run for the hills leaving her with two giant holes in her face which will be tragic for her but they will be mine! All mine!

2) She's wise beyond her years. I mean this in every sense of the term. She's book smart, street smart, and knows herself through and through. Sadly I find that final item far too lacking nowadays. I can carry on a conversation with her for hours and never get bored even from our sad distance of over 400 miles (boo!). I find her constantly helping to shape my interests without being insistent upon it because her very passion about the issues (through knowledge mind you) is enthralling. But most importantly, in all forms of her wisdom she is continually striving to learn more and become all the more knowledgeable. It is the simple act of acknowledging that she will never know it all that she's just how brilliant she is.

3) She's tough as nails. My girl don't take shit from no one. I have known far too many wilting flowers in my day to admire passivity. Anyone can go along for the ride and allow the world to stomp all over them. It takes real courage to stand up and put a spotlight on how you are being wronged, knowing that especially as a female it will likely be seen as being moody, impatient, or the overly utilized term bitchy. She also is willing to be this strong for those she loves, taking no prisoners when those close to her have been scorned. She only employs the strongest of methodologies when it's called for, and such restraint proves to be one of her greatest weapons in whatever battle is thrust upon her.

4) She's witty beyond belief. Whether it's turning a phrase in a completely unexpected way, becoming overly maudlin and dark to the point of humor, or just pulling out teenage level slapstick to make me snort up my coffee at Stella's (thanks by the way...that hurt soooo bad) she makes me and most everyone she's ever conversed with crack up. Anyone can repeat the same jokes they've heard everywhere else or pull out a random reference for comic effect (Hi!), and trust me she can do these things too, but very few can bring true, unique wit to the everyday.

5) She's a consummate support. In my darkest moments, my deepest depressions, and my melodramatic meltdowns, Lady Amazingness is always there for me, and for that matter everyone else in her life that has not proven to be unappreciative of those efforts. She's so much more than a shoulder to cry on; she's also the mother hugging you and blotting away your tears, the sister ready to take out the person or place that has hurt her kin, the friend smacking you upside the head for not seeing the big picture, and the councilor nodding her head as she allows you to simply vent before giving the most sound advice that she can.

There. Now you feel pretty silly for questioning no doubt. Just know that I could go on like this if need be. Never doubt my declaration of scrumptralescence!

Awesome former roomie has once again been there for me in a time of unneeded drama and frustration in my life. I adore her and miss her mightily. She is more fantastic than I can tell her, and I hope she knows just how much her presence in my life means to me.

And as for all you other Lucky love for you abounds and will ne'er die. But this girl...she's gone above and beyond yet again. I just needed to acknowledge how very much that means to me.

Love ya girl!


Jesse said...

You should touch boobs, or something.

Kendragon said...

Who's to say that never happened?

I mean...outrage! How dare you say something so uncouth!