Thursday, April 26, 2007

Man! It was freaking epic!

I hate my body.

Not in the whole teenage angsty feeling chubby way. No, I hate my body cause it apparently hates me. And I figure why not make things even, right?

The other night I got food poisoning. And when I say food poisoning I don't just mean oh my stomach is a little upset. Oh no. I mean epic, busting capillaries in my face, 12 hours worth of getting sick, pulling muscles in my stomach and back, getting dehydrated, monster three-day migraine food poisoning.

And on top of it, I think I triggered a dormant flu or something, cause it's been nearly three days and food poisoning doesn't normally last this long. I've been horriblly sick, Lucky Readers, and it's been pretty awful.

And today is my awesome roomie's birthday and I can't even go out for her celebration dinner cause I feel too shitty. Which makes me feel like a shitty friend. Especially after she's been trying so hard to help me feel better. i guess I'll have to find a way to make it up to her ...

The worst part for me is that I've been having to cancel out on things. I missed a double shift day at work, two classes (one of which was kind of important to me, so I'm pretty sad about it), and a meeting for my production practice. I hate feeling like a flake, and even though I know that being sick is beyond my control, not feeling like I can tough my way through it and just get my stuff done feels pretty shitty to me.

No, no, I never put any pressure on myself at all.

The once nice thing about getting sicker than I've been for years is that I haven't had time to think about my crazy. Between getting sick, feeling sick, nearly passing out, and falling asleep for about an hour at a time I haven't had time to be upset or depressed.

So I guess I have to thank that bad apple I ate for giving me a vacation.

But now I'm going to go cause I feel kind of dizzy. Again. Wee!

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