Monday, March 24, 2008

Braces?! Oh no! I'll be socially unpopular! ... More so!

To update:

Spent the weekend doing pretty much nothing. To use my mother's favorite quote from Office Space, "I did nothing, and it was everything I thought it could be." Seriously, I forgot how nice it is to sleep in until 11 and never have to get out of my pajamas. I cooked a nice dinner for my family on Sunday night and helped my mom clean a bit, but besides that I actually let myself enjoy my weekend rather than running around being all sorts of busy on my days off. I know it's only been around three months since I've taken this job (read as had to stop living a life of leisure in which I rarely had any real commitments but was bored and wicked poor), but I already am beginning to forget how wonderful and blissful it is to worry about nothing.

Sigh. Joys of labor I guess.

I did do two things, though. I met my father for a lunch and a beer and I begged for a bit of help with paying for my teeth to be fixed, which he oh so kindly agreed to with no complaint (He's awesome y'all...nearly as awesome as my mother), and I fully freaked myself out about said dentist appointment. Oh, I was shaking this morning as I drove into the dentist office and while sitting in the chair. Literally.

It wasn't too bad though. He was gentle and soft-spoken. Looked kind of like a polar bear but not as chubby, and he closed his eyes into slants while talking to me about my options which sounds less calming than it was. It was all very laid back and chill. the only thing that really sucked was while he was basically mapping out my mouth with the help of his aid and this really cool computer system he checked all around my gum line with a pointy tool to see how much space there was between my gum line and my tooth. I evidently did well in terms of gum health, Lucky Readers...but that shit hurts! Oh well. It could have been a hell of a lot worse. He joked with me and tried to calm me down a lot, and by the end of the appointment, I actually wasn't clasping my hands together and didn't need to be reminded to breath anymore.

So I need to go back in about a week to get two fillings. This is much better than what my former dentist (who I evidently correctly suspected was trying to rip me off) told me when she said that I needed two more fillings, especially when you consider that this dentist told me that one of the fillings is fixing what she did. So...three of them didn't need to get done lady. And you charged me more than double what this guy is going to for the same work. See... I was right! Ha! Take that internal doubts!

Yea, he says i take great care of my teeth, which I knew but it was fantastic to hear from a dentist. He also said that I have a few more issues, but they aren't that dire and as long as I keep taking care of teeth the way I have been than we just need to watch them and it should be fine. I know it might sound petty, but I love the idea that I have a dentist now who isn't looking to increase his pocketbook, but rather do what is best for me the best way possible. I haven't felt secure in this notion with a dentist ever, and although I'm not 100% convinced yet, I'm beginning to think this might be the case for once.

So in conclusion...good times, surprisingly. Or at least the best possible times for a girl like me who so completely dislikes the notion of someone looking at or touching her teeth.



And yes, that is a completely random Simpson's related tooth quote that has no true baring on my post. but it makes me laugh, so deal with it.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Je déteste mes dents!

This won't be news to many of my Lucky Readers, since I bitch about it all the time. So I put it in French above in an attempt to make it a bit more interesting at least.

I hate my teeth guys. By accident of birth, I have horribly sensitive gums and my teeth move on their own all the time. Oh, I've had braces, but you really can't tell anymore cause they have a mind of their own. To make matters worse, I also have a fear of the dentist rooting back to several bad dentist experiences that I will spare you, but know that they aren't good.

In the past couple years though I have had to get several cavities filled. Mind you, the sound (hell even the impersonation of the sound) of a dentist drill makes my entire mouth throb. This is upsetting because of all the people I know, I take care of my teeth the best. I brush them two times a day at least, usually three. I floss every night. I rinse with two kinds of mouth wash (one in the morning, one at night), one of which is supposed to help with my weak enamel. There is literally nothing more I can do to take care of my teeth. In fact, I've been told by my family that I probably brush too often cause they think it's strange how much pain I have despite all my efforts.

And yet, I have a greater amount of pain all the time lately. Over the past couple of days it's been utterly miserable. I think one of my fillings fell out, and I can barely talk and eat because cold air hurts it so badly. On top of that, I no longer see my former dentist because she vastly ripped my family off before and we don't want to give her the opportunity to do so again, even if she's been great in terms of understanding my pain issues.

So now I'm going to have to go to a new dentist next Monday, and I know he's gonna probably find some way to yell at me even though I work so hard to take care of my teeth, cause no one believes I do as much as I do to work on them. And I'm sure I have tons of money's worth of work to be done, and he's just gonna be salivating over it. Luckily he's supposed to be very gentle, which is good. But...come on. Why do I need to go through this again?

This visit is really freaking me out people. I'm scared, and nervous, and really worried that I'm gonna loose a tooth or something.

Ugh. Again...Je deteste mes dents!

Friday, March 14, 2008

For Your Enjoyment: Random Thoughts I've Been Having Lately

I don't know if any of you Lucky Readers out there have any advice or insight about any of these thoughts, but if they are actually beneficial please share them. Otherwise, enjoy this peek into my mind.

How do I start pursuing my desire to be a film critic? What steps are proper? How do I do so without having to interfere too heavily with my work schedules?

Do I say "awesome", "indeed", and "rock star" too much? I mean, they are my three favorite things to say in everyday conversation, with the middle one being my favorite word overall (It's the perfect thing to say to any statement that you remotely agree with, it makes you sound intelligent with the proper inflection, and if you have slight hearing issues like I have from having curved ear canals it helps people think you heard them when you're too embarrassed to admit you haven't), but do I overuse them? Am I killing my love for them by uttering them too frequently?

I'm lonely for a strong male in my life outside of friends and family. Very lonely.

Who am I going to find to be my new weird film seein' buddy in Cleveland now that I'm not talking to the friend I used to do that with?

What would I look like with brown hair? Not like deep mahogany colored, but a light chestnut color. And would it be too much for me (read as hair-lazy individual) to keep up with it if I decided to go that route? And is my skin to pale to make that work?

How does one swim at their gym if said gym allows little kids to interfere with your workout every time you try? And if they hit me in the head with stupid foam things one more time, am I allowed to start dunking them real hard? I mean, it's not technically abuse ... just REALLY strong horseplay...

If I decided to pursue singing in some form, would I actually ever have the courage to perform in front of people? And do I really have a good enough voice for that, or would i be one of those people that gets laughed at softly by observers?

Do I have time to take a film course at my local college? Do i really want to pay for that?

Finally, I have a really good life. I mean really and truly, it rocks. See, I put a bunch of pictures of my friends, family, and pets up in my cube, and the more I look at them the more I realize that my life is great. I have great friends that I do alot of really fun things with, I have a loving supportive family that is really chill, and a great job that will allow me to put up probably too many personal pictures without a peep. Is my life Far from it. But it's cozy and safe feeling, and that makes me incredibly happy. I love all my family and friends deeply, and hope they know that, through and through.

Monday, March 10, 2008

We hear they're calling it ... BLIZZARD! TWENTY OH EIGHT!!

I was trapped, Lucky Readers. Trapped in a pit of despair, famine, solitude, and pain.

And by pit, I mean lovely charming home that is similar to what I've been picturing me living in for some time now; by despair, I mean laughter and mirth; by famine, I mean yummy delicious healthy food; by solitude, I mean the bubbly company of an extremely kind woman and her lovely pup; and by pain, I mean pleasing comfort of a soft bed and fluffy couch.

A major snow storm/quasi-blizzard hit Cleveland this weekend. This happened on Friday night, when I was finishing my latest stint of house/dog sitting for my boss. I was supposed to leave after I fed the pup Friday, but my boss' flight got canceled, so I agreed to stay an extra day while she and our company's President drove back from Nashville. She got in around 3:00 in the morning, so I decided to stay and get a full night's sleep.

Needless to say, that was a relatively bad call. The storm hit earlier than we thought it would (at least the strong part of it), and by the time morning came around it was clear that I wasn't going anywhere. The roads were impassable and there were near whiteout conditions.


So my boss and I went down the street, picked up some groceries, and stayed in for the day eating yummy food, watching The Exorcist 3, and taking turns cuddling with the pup under our respective fuzzy blankets. Although it was a bit awkward at first to be stuck at my boss' house, it was actually great. We bonded a bit more, and found out that we have bunches in common. it wound up being enjoyable and oddly relaxing.

So...hooray. But come on, is that not the strangest thing to have happen? Or if not the strangest, high up there on the "... What!?!?" scale. Ya know, right next to Nessy and the notion that Ted Haggard could end up in Heaven.

Sigh. Silliness...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

It's a "Skyrockets in Flight" Under Ice Kinda Post

Here's a quickie update on the doings a transpirin' in my world.

First off, I love Awesome Roommate. She is amazing. I went to visit her (it was supposed to be a good number of people in Chicago, but it didn't turn out that way. Looks like for the better this time, though so...yay!) and we had an outstandingly fun time. Bought clothes, graphic novels, saw a play so horrible that it was fantastic, met her awesome man, almost got her beat up by a possible drug dealer (sorry again, by the way...), ate two delicious breakfasts, saw my pet nephews, and tried absinthe. It was freaking spectacular. The trip, not the absinthe. Bleck! I love and miss the girl and my city a lot, so it was great to recharge my batteries there for a few days with them.

Had to return to Cleveland where I've been enjoying myself despite the guilt about having to stop communicating with a dear friend (see previous blog). I still feel horrible about that, by the by. Not that I'm expecting to suddenly feel fine about it anytime soon, or be able to go skipping down the lane whistling a merry tune without a care in the world. Cause it is a care. and I don't like it. But it's the best for me and I know it, so...I'll deal.

Sigh. Be an adult sucks.

The only other kind of downer I have right now is I'm about a week away from the anniversary of breaking up with my ex, and this occasion is making me realize just how lonely I am right now. Not even for a full on significant other, at this point. Just for a fella to go to dinner with or cuddle up with while watching a movie. I really hate that I don't have that right now, and the lack of this particular male presence is making me a bit sad. But I'm not delving into crazy over it. So...that's good.

Just wish it wasn't so is all.

Cleveland has decided to be a brat the past couple of days. We got a majorly bad ice storm here followed by large amounts of snow, so traveling has been awful. I mention this for two reasons. 1) to bitch about it and my long commute times, and 2) because I'm going back to my boss' house tonight to watch her pup again, and the bad weather is making me fear that I will destroy her house again (knock on wood...).

Hopefully my near disaster will have been enough of an incentive to be extra-super-special-kid-gloves-don't-touch-the-soft-spot careful about it. But then again, if I count on that then I won't be. So I'm gonna allow this random paranoia. Cross your fingers for me, Lucky Readers. Cause I don't wanna get fired for an inability to not destroy my boss' house.

What? It could happen. That isn't a crazy leap of logic at all.

Finally, in case I forgot to share this joyness to ya, I'm really pumped for mid May, cause me, Neat, and two of our close friends are going to be going back to Vegas. Hooray! We booked the flight and hotel, and I cannot wait for the fun I will be sure to have with my girls. That's a huge motivator for me right now, in terms of getting through the slow days at work, getting my ass to the gym when I'm feeling lazy, and keeping up with my healthy eating habits.

I will lose ten more pounds by May. I will, I will, I will.

So to sum up, things are going well. If I had a man and didn't need to be responsible it would be going better, but I know it will all work out in the end.

Now take a quick shower and get back to work. You don't wanna go back in looking all tusselled.