Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Je déteste mes dents!

This won't be news to many of my Lucky Readers, since I bitch about it all the time. So I put it in French above in an attempt to make it a bit more interesting at least.

I hate my teeth guys. By accident of birth, I have horribly sensitive gums and my teeth move on their own all the time. Oh, I've had braces, but you really can't tell anymore cause they have a mind of their own. To make matters worse, I also have a fear of the dentist rooting back to several bad dentist experiences that I will spare you, but know that they aren't good.

In the past couple years though I have had to get several cavities filled. Mind you, the sound (hell even the impersonation of the sound) of a dentist drill makes my entire mouth throb. This is upsetting because of all the people I know, I take care of my teeth the best. I brush them two times a day at least, usually three. I floss every night. I rinse with two kinds of mouth wash (one in the morning, one at night), one of which is supposed to help with my weak enamel. There is literally nothing more I can do to take care of my teeth. In fact, I've been told by my family that I probably brush too often cause they think it's strange how much pain I have despite all my efforts.

And yet, I have a greater amount of pain all the time lately. Over the past couple of days it's been utterly miserable. I think one of my fillings fell out, and I can barely talk and eat because cold air hurts it so badly. On top of that, I no longer see my former dentist because she vastly ripped my family off before and we don't want to give her the opportunity to do so again, even if she's been great in terms of understanding my pain issues.

So now I'm going to have to go to a new dentist next Monday, and I know he's gonna probably find some way to yell at me even though I work so hard to take care of my teeth, cause no one believes I do as much as I do to work on them. And I'm sure I have tons of money's worth of work to be done, and he's just gonna be salivating over it. Luckily he's supposed to be very gentle, which is good. But...come on. Why do I need to go through this again?

This visit is really freaking me out people. I'm scared, and nervous, and really worried that I'm gonna loose a tooth or something.

Ugh. Again...Je deteste mes dents!

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