Monday, July 7, 2008

Very brief update - enjoy!

Get it...brief! Oh the wit!

It's been an interesting week or so Lucky Readers. A few bad moments, yes, but in interest of staying upbeat I won't mention them. Not the nearly running into one of the people that apparently thinks I'm worthless, not having a guy I used to be kind of interested in stop calling me all together (although I'm not too incrediblly upset about that to be honest), and definitely not how Neat and I had a huge fight.

Nope, not even gonna mention it.

Instead I'm gonna focus on a couple happier things...for once. Huzzah!

My job finally gave me a raise. It's not as much as I would hope it'd be, but it's much closer. Now they just need to hire my replacement so that I can focus on my main position and I should be doing well enough for myself to move out...again. God I feel like a townie. But still - raise!

I met a cute guy. Kinda like him. Kinda had a great date. But I'm gonna leave it at that cause otherwise I'm gonna jinx it.

Knock on wood, throw salt over my shoulder, make animal sacrifices.

And I met through a coworker at my second job a guy that makes B horror movies. He asked if I wanted to help out with them or perhaps act. It totally made me year. Awesome.

So for now I shall leave this brief update. Kendragon is happy and mentally calm for once. She is extremely glad for it.

1 comment:

J said...

hooray! You deserve the raise, girly. well done.

I'm temping as a receptionist today and I'd just like to say...god help me if I become a receptionist. I'm bored out of my gourd here.