Thursday, August 7, 2008

Her wedding soooo ain't gonna look like this.

I'm happier today Lucky Readers. Here's why:

1) My sister's getting married in two days. I'm leaving in about eight hours to be in St. Louis with her for it. I love her obviously, I think he's an amazing fit for her, and his three kids from a previous marriage will now simply be my neices, and I'm thrilled about that. I could not be happier for her.

2) The one dude I really dig that I thought was no longer interested called me and we had a fun flirty conversation and I remembered why I like him so much and I got real super happy about it like a total girl but fuck it he's cute and kind and smart so...hooray!

3) I've been closing contracts at work. Not much money but I'm building up momentum. This will hopefully lead to being paid in gold dabloons and rubies. I shall bathe in them Lucky Readers.

and 4) I was able to logically think through this recent very short bout of depression. I'm getting better able to handle them all the time people, and this above all else is thrilling.

So ... fantastic-ness!

Now I'm off to a plane. Let's hope it stays aloft and this good mood doesn't get smashed to pieces when my plane plummets out of the sky.

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