Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Maybe I don't need to share this...maybe y'all already know.

So I'm pretty sure I'm boring. Yep. Dullsville. Bland-o-rama.

See - even my final example of my boringness is boring.


I'm sitting her thinking about this, and I can't think of one thing about me that is engaging and interesting.

Oh there were things earlier. I was going to school, living in a cool city, learning interesting things, meeting interesting people, experiencing fun fun fun activities.

But then I moved. Bad call evidently. Cause now I live with my parents (ugh), work a job that is repetitious as hell and while it sounds interesting is actually quite dull on a day-to-day basis, work another job that is mindless more or less, and...that's about it.

I no longer hang out with most of my friends from out here cause I'm tired of their drama. But that means that I don't have the fun experiences with them either. I don't do concerts anymore really, and I don't have time for movies (my real love) save those I watch at home on my bed. I date, yes, but only briefly cause either I pick alot of bad guys or I have a big personality flaw that I just don't see and they stop being interested in me. I have a wide variety of interests which is great in theory, but it means that I don't have anything in particular that I can contribute to in terms of relationships.

So basically this is how I sum up a standard week for the Kendragon. Wake up, get ready for work, go to work, do work, come home, watch movie, go to sleep, repeat until weekend without variance, wake up go to bad job, come home, do yardwork/housework, listen to parents fight, go to sleep, repeat previous day.

Fun huh?

Oh! I do know one thing about me that is crazy interesting: I'm still battling with my crazy. It's like herpes - it pops up randomly when I think it's gone completely then ruins a week or so of my life. That's ... unique. Right?

Got one thing making my different. Woo hoo.

So I gotta figure out a way to make this better for me. I need to find a new hobby...outside of my house...that means I'm doing something active and meeting people. Yea! Just need to get some damn time and money to do that. And since I need both jobs to get the latter that means that I have little of the former so...guess that's not happening soon.


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