Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wait...I have readers?

Apparently I don't update this enough. Apparently there are actually people who look to this for updates quasi-regularly and are disappointed to not find them.

Who knew?

So I'm gonna try try try Guster style to update this more often then once every couple weeks. Woo hoo!

Alright. Update!

In the work department I've decided that I really do need to think about my options. This kills me folks. I love my co-workers and I really hate the idea of not seeing them everyday/ having new co-workers who might be assholes. But let's face it: I was pushed into a sales position I don't like, out of an admin position I did, because they informed me that I will never be paid what I know I am worth for the work I know I'm amazing at. So now I'm stuck with a position that I'm decent at but I don't ever think I'll be stellar at, and a sinking feeling that this just isn't it for me every day that I drive into work. I need to start looking for work again which stinks, but I think it's gonna be for the best. I'm just bummed about how this company has played out.

In the family department ...well my family is adorable. My sister and her husband (aww!) are real happy right now, my mom and her man are doing better than they have for awhile, and my dad and his lady are just too adorable to be a real couple. So basically if money wasn't an issue at all we would pretty much have the most wonderful Rockwell version of my family possible right now.

In terms of my love life, the two guys I was juggling are...well no more. The one has dropped off the face of the earth (and with his being ten years older than me and having two kids I'm not sure I'm upset about fact I think I'm kinda glad the situation resolved itself), and the other one found out some stuff and decided that he didn't want to be with me which I took like an adult since it was my fault. So those are done.

But dudes...I totally don't give a fuck.

I kinda sorta found a guy that I am shocked how quickly I feel strongly for. I've liked the other guys that I've seen lately peeps. I've really enjoyed their company and have lamented when things have ended. But this one is just...sigh. I find him adorable and amazingly hot and I really dig his sense of humor. He's intelligent and caring and the most genuinely sweet person I've ever met. I mean if I wasn't fairly certain that he meant all the wonderful things he says to me than I would find him to be the most corny person I've ever met. And what's even better, I already felt comfortable enough with him to tell him that, and when I did he laughed and took it as a compliment.

Guys...he gets me. So few males get me. Amazing.

So I'm enjoying this young but exciting beginning of a relationship with...hmmm...let's call him Roth (mostly cause I know he would dig that), I'm not loving my work situation but I'm gonna become proactive about it, and my family is actually doing well. Besides the fact that my friend situation is still a bit odd due to me realizing when I hung out with one of them this weekend that I feel like I've completely outgrown the group and I actually find them irritating now, everything is going swimmingly for me. Excelsior!

Now let's hope this persists.

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