Two things made me wicked happy this weekend. And by that I mean totally blushing and smiling like a moron, feeling more girlie then I have in a while. Both happen to be either directly or by proxy because of Roth. So fellas…proceed with caution. I’m gonna become uber feminine.
1) I got together with Roth this weekend and while we were walking to dinner, he told me that he had been meaning to say something to me. He wanted to let me know that he thought I should teach something - a class on how to be feminine in the modern world. He elaborated and told me that not only do I conduct myself like a lady and look amazing every time he sees me, but I also am confident in my femininity, and he thinks other chicks would benefit from me showing them how to be that way.
I freaking love that guys. I went from being an insecure quasi-tomboy in high school to apparently being a girl that should educate others on how to be a woman in 2009. This is such a 180 from where I once was. I’m so happy about it. So…awesome.
I could have tackled him right there, while walking in the snow, and smooched him all over for not only thinking that, but telling me it.
2) So on the way to dinner, Roth and I ran into a couple of his friends (he has great friends FYI). They invited us to hang out after dinner, which Roth insisted upon still going to. Which I adored. After we ate we met up with them for a birthday party. Everyone was chatting and getting along well. I decided that I would go over to the birthday girl’s side of the table to get to know her a little better (ya know…it was her birthday…should be about her). While we were talking she asked what was going on with Roth. I shrugged and said he was my questions mark since I wasn’t quite sure what we are right now.
About the time I said this, I noticed that Roth and one of his chick friends were clearly talking about me. You know, eyes darting from each other to me repeatedly, talking in a hushed manner. It didn’t bother me at all, until I noticed the chick gasp and cover her mouth. I couldn’t tell if it was a bad thing or not, so I more-or-less demanded to know what they were talking about.
Roth quickly said, “Nothing” and walked away. So it was clearly something. The chick leaned over and said, “We were talking about how Roth likes you, and more or less out of no where he said that you had the prettiest eyes he’s ever seen.”
Freaking awww!
The birthday girl then leaned in toward me and said the awesome quote, “Your question mark is an exclamation point!”.
Could have knocked me over with a feather guys. Ne’re has a guy been that sweet to me for absolutely no reason, much less twice in one evening.
I’m real happy with the way things are going with Roth, Party People. I’m still being cautious and I’m trying really hard to not read too much in to anything, either good or bad. But dudes…this is the kind of stuff that makes me giddy and silly. And I love it.
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