I’ve probably been driving my fella oriented Party People crazy lately. Assuming I still have any. I may have driven them all away what with the non-stop Roth talk.
Hello? Guys? Still there?
So instead let’s chat a bit about how much I hate not being great at my job. Sounds like fun for everyone, right?
It’s been really irking me, y’all. I grew up never having to work that hard to be good at what I’m passionate about. That’s not to say that I haven’t had to labor to be skilled at something. I have. And I pride myself on it. But I’ve never had to rely purely on that which I’ve learned to be mediocre at something. I usually have some amount of natural skill to throw into the mix.
But when it comes to sales….well I ain’t got any.
I am so not a natural sales person. I have the gift of gab, yes. That’s a big plus. But I do not at all have the inborn ability to convince someone that they need something. Frankly, I’m too understanding. You don’t have the money right now? Okay, I’ll call you back later. Not interested in my product? Fine, you have every right not to be. Going to try to screw me over? Cool, need me to take a particular position?
On paper I know the proper responses to these road blocks. Cause I’m a good student. But in real world practice I slam on my brakes every time.
And I hate it guys. I hate not feeling like I’m good at my job. Mostly cause I have never felt this way before. And yes, I occasionally have my moments where I think I might be figuring this thing out a bit more. But then the next day comes and I realize that I just had a fluke moment. Arg….frustrating!
What makes it even worse is all I can think of is how good I would be at an administrative position. Any admin position. Any where. It’s so my comfort zone and where I am truly confident. And I had that position. Before I got pushed into this one. Back in the good ole days. Sigh.
So what to do about it? Sadly, I don’t think I have any real solution. I think I’m just going to have to keep doing what I’ve been doing in hopes that it will work to my favor some day. Cause I want to be good at my job. I want to be freaking great at it, actually. But sadly I think it’s gonna take a shit ton of work to get there.
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