Monday, March 24, 2008

Braces?! Oh no! I'll be socially unpopular! ... More so!

To update:

Spent the weekend doing pretty much nothing. To use my mother's favorite quote from Office Space, "I did nothing, and it was everything I thought it could be." Seriously, I forgot how nice it is to sleep in until 11 and never have to get out of my pajamas. I cooked a nice dinner for my family on Sunday night and helped my mom clean a bit, but besides that I actually let myself enjoy my weekend rather than running around being all sorts of busy on my days off. I know it's only been around three months since I've taken this job (read as had to stop living a life of leisure in which I rarely had any real commitments but was bored and wicked poor), but I already am beginning to forget how wonderful and blissful it is to worry about nothing.

Sigh. Joys of labor I guess.

I did do two things, though. I met my father for a lunch and a beer and I begged for a bit of help with paying for my teeth to be fixed, which he oh so kindly agreed to with no complaint (He's awesome y'all...nearly as awesome as my mother), and I fully freaked myself out about said dentist appointment. Oh, I was shaking this morning as I drove into the dentist office and while sitting in the chair. Literally.

It wasn't too bad though. He was gentle and soft-spoken. Looked kind of like a polar bear but not as chubby, and he closed his eyes into slants while talking to me about my options which sounds less calming than it was. It was all very laid back and chill. the only thing that really sucked was while he was basically mapping out my mouth with the help of his aid and this really cool computer system he checked all around my gum line with a pointy tool to see how much space there was between my gum line and my tooth. I evidently did well in terms of gum health, Lucky Readers...but that shit hurts! Oh well. It could have been a hell of a lot worse. He joked with me and tried to calm me down a lot, and by the end of the appointment, I actually wasn't clasping my hands together and didn't need to be reminded to breath anymore.

So I need to go back in about a week to get two fillings. This is much better than what my former dentist (who I evidently correctly suspected was trying to rip me off) told me when she said that I needed two more fillings, especially when you consider that this dentist told me that one of the fillings is fixing what she did. So...three of them didn't need to get done lady. And you charged me more than double what this guy is going to for the same work. See... I was right! Ha! Take that internal doubts!

Yea, he says i take great care of my teeth, which I knew but it was fantastic to hear from a dentist. He also said that I have a few more issues, but they aren't that dire and as long as I keep taking care of teeth the way I have been than we just need to watch them and it should be fine. I know it might sound petty, but I love the idea that I have a dentist now who isn't looking to increase his pocketbook, but rather do what is best for me the best way possible. I haven't felt secure in this notion with a dentist ever, and although I'm not 100% convinced yet, I'm beginning to think this might be the case for once.

So in conclusion...good times, surprisingly. Or at least the best possible times for a girl like me who so completely dislikes the notion of someone looking at or touching her teeth.



And yes, that is a completely random Simpson's related tooth quote that has no true baring on my post. but it makes me laugh, so deal with it.