Monday, October 27, 2008


So I think I drank the work Kool-Aid.

I totally didn't hate my nearly 10 hours of training on Friday, I actually took a whole bunch of work home this weekend and invested some money into making a very detailed binder of all the shows I sell (for quick reference when I'm on a call), I'm super pumped to move to our new office space because it means a new, more exciting place to work in, and I'm bummed that I had so many simple tasks to do today that I barely was able to get any calls in.

I think I might (gasp!) like my job again.

I know Lucky Readers, it blows my mind too. My apologies.

This whole thing has definitely been helped by getting a huge contract in last week (one I had labored on for over three months!) and that I got the "add of the month" today. It's a silly arbitrary honor, I know, but I'm sure proud anyway. And fifty extra bucks cause of it rocks too.

Also, I may not totally hate my second bad job as much anymore. The busy season has wound down and I'll only be working a few events for the rest of the winter. And since I've been there for about a year (holy shit balls, I've been there for about a year!) I now get to make requests for who I want to work with, so that rocks my socks off.

People...I'm enjoying my work situation. How sweet is that?

Now if only they paid me better...

In other news...said the broadcaster Kendragon...I love my new trainer. He actually called me this weekend to ask why I wasn't at the gym. Dudes, I love the hard-assness of this guy. It's what I need to kick my ass into gear. Today i totally don't feel like going, but I'm kinda scared to have him yell at me. So I'm gonna go. Ergo, he is the perfect trainer for me.

I reiterate...sweet.

The only thing I'm a bit bummed about right now is that so far I have no plans for Halloween...and I don't think I'm upset about it. This is the first year that I've been okay with the idea of doing nothing on my favorite holiday, and that's just lame. I feel like my childhood is all dead and stuff. And that's the pits, ladies and gentlemen. The pits.

But that's the worst thing going for me lately, and as I always say since that's the case I'm doing pretty well.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fight! Fight! Fight!

I've been very confrontational lately. And by lately I mean in the last twelve hours.

Let me tell ya about it.

First Roth called last night. We talked for about twenty minutes. To sum up, basically I let him know that treating me badly isn't going to be made okay by calling and acting like nothing happened. I laid down the notion that I'm not okay, nor will I soon be okay, with how he treated me. I flat out told him I'm awesome (really...I did!) and that if he's gonna break up with me cause he likes me (he laid that revelation down on me during the talk) then it's his loss. We left it with me apologizing for being a bit bitchy but him understanding why I was.

So I totally laid down the law, and was super strong.

And then there was lunch today. I kinda sorta maybe got into a confrontation with the mean girl in the office joined to ours.

Here's the background. Our building has multiple companies in it. We share a common break room with another one. And the receptionist over there is a biiitttcccchhhhh! Luckily we'll be moving to a new location soon and we won't have to worry about it anymore, but man for the next ten days I gotta deal with the catty Ms. Thing over there.

So we went on our lunch today and, I'm not gonna lie...the girls in the sales pit with me have been enjoying taunting her a bit. Please note we're doing so by simply existing and going into the shared room. But she's been an unnecessary bitch for months and it's fun for us.

In the midst of our lunch a bunch of guys from her office (whom we enjoy the company of) came to eat with us, and we were having a grand ole time when the bitch suddenly walks in, slams the door, and leaves in a huff. I guess because we were being too loud. Which we might of been. but that was so the passive-aggressive way of dealing with it. girls and I aren't having that since all we did was enjoy our break.

So my one coworker opens the door again and we simply started saying that we would be sad to be so frustrated by life. Then Bitchy McBitcherson comes in and starts throwing her weight around about how we were talking about her and calling me a hyena.

Well I ain't taking that shit, especially from Lady Bitch of the Bitchenham region. So we had at it. Basically me telling her that she could've been an adult about the situation, and her just droning on. The best moment was when she said in response to my statement that she could have just told us we were being too loud. She yells at me, "well I don't LIKE talking to PEOPLE!"


So anyway. Either I'm a bitch or I just happen to be in a rocking-the-confrontation mode right now. Either way...kinda hope its done. Cause this stuff makes my blood boil and that's no good. But tis done now. So glad I'm going to the gym tonight to work of this stress.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Update and...umm, WHAT?!?!

Okay Lucky Readers ... interesting weekend.

Or maybe not interesting...maybe just fun for me.

Meh...I enjoyed it so me thinks you will too.

So I totally froze my ass off working for the radio station on Friday (three hours in 40 degree temps...not fun) and spent the rest of the night shivering...literally. And the zombie didn't pay me this time. Total bust y'all. Boo.

But then Saturday I worked out with Neat (oh we're getting along better now...hooray!). We took a class call Zumba... or maybe Zoomba...I dunno. But basically it's Latin dance, hip hop dance, and aerobics combined.

Oh my freaking word Lucky Readers...funniest class I ever took. I spent the first three dances trying so hard not to laugh at our instructor who is a straight looking black man who could move his hips like no other. I wound up having fun and I worked up a mighty good sweat so it was pretty awesome. But still...hilarious.

But I also had worked out with a new personal trainer on Thursday (the one who signed me up wound up being aggravating as shit and hit on me all the time via my cell which is so inappropriate, so I was glad when he traded me to a new guy). The dude is so much better but he also had me do an exercise that totally hurt my shoulder. So when I did the class it really aggravated it and made it hurt until...well this morning. Boo.

But I went to Ohio's wine area afterwards and enjoyed little shot sized samples of lots of yummy wine. The girls I went with were uber fun and when we got lost (which happened about every ten minutes on the country backwoods roads we were traveling on) we made more and more jokes about how that was how every horror movie starts. It was super fun and I really enjoyed myself.

Did very little on Sunday except for shopping with my mom (who I now hate for her size 2-ness). Which was fine with me since I woke up crying about my shoulder pain and couldn't do too much.

And then THIS happened.

I got a text. From Roth. Remember...the guy who more or less made me break up with myself 6 weeks ago after I didn't really do anything wrong? Yea...him.

"Hey stranger! How you been?"

Ummm...fine....what do you want?

"Oh nothing much. I've been thinking alot about you...mind if I shoot you a call later this week?"


Why does this always happen? Why do guys dump me then start contacting me again? Is it cause they forget how 'horrible' I am? Is it because they realized they fucked up? Is it cause they only want me as a friend and feel like a month-to-six weeks is enough time for that? WHY!?!?!

It sucks even more cause I've really missed talking to him lately. I did find him wicked charming and nice, and I truly miss our random silly chats. Before he totally pussied out on me he was a great guy to spend time with. Actually one of the best I've met in a long while.

But oh yea...he totally pussied out on me and made me more or less break up with myself and pretty much threw me away after letting me confide alot of intense stuff to him that I didn't want to and after he told me that I was far too nice/complimentary/sweet for him. So...yea.

Not sure what I'm gonna do folks. But I know for sure that he hurt me. Bad. Or at least bad enough that I find this new development frustrating. I'm gonna let him call me...but I'm pretty sure it's gonna end in me telling him to take a hike and lose my number.

Cause I deserve so much better. So much.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Zombie run-ins and old-timey phrases

So real quick Kendragon update:

I've been working alot lately which hasn't been too fantastic except for the fact that I worked a radio station event at a haunted house...and got paid by a zombie! Freaking made my life! Awesome Roomie I'm looking to you to help me celebrate this.

Hmm what else? Oh I'm trying to get my film blog up and running ( but it's slow going so far. With my crazy busy schedule I haven't been able to update too, too regularly, but I'm trying. People...berate me to keep it up-to-date. Perhaps verbal threats will be what I need to make sure I make enough time for it!

Oh the swamped existence I lead!

I've been working out more and trying to watch more movies so I can nourish my body and my film obsession properly. I adore Netflix people. ADORE it.

I've been knitting again, which can only mean one thing in the land of the Kendragon - it's gonna get cold soon and I'm getting ready for it. Dagnabit I hate the cold...grr.

Since nothing much interesting happened the last week I'll keep this post short. But I'm well and that's all that matters.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Making my muscles stronger makes me say 'Ow!'

Owwie. Owwwwwwwwwww. Dammit!

Stupid personal trainer.

Oh...I totally got a personal trainer last night. And he kicked me ass. Hardcore.

Now before anyone else starts to think that I'm, like, rolling in the in the dough...cause I'm not...know that I worked real hard to get this guy down in price. Dude, I poored him down to a fifth of the rate he wanted to charge me initially, and I figured out that if I cut my alcohol buying out of my weekend fun I can afford it. And save the empty calories. And not be the sad drunk girl.

So total win-win-win.


But still....OWWWWWWWW!

I can't stand up from a chair or sit down at my desk without having to psyche myself up for the pain. Last night, after I got done with the work out, I couldn't walk right, and I was literally unable to stand. Showering off I had to prop myself up against the wall. I got dressed on my knees for crying in the dark! Walking down the stairs to get food at my house I had to keep myself propped up against the hand rails.

Translation - this is going to be super good for me folks. I'm happy about my decision and looking forward to looking more foxy than I can currently fathom.

Now I'm just gonna go to stand up so I can jump up and down in celebration...

ouch! owwie owwie owwie! ugh!


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Picture me skipping like a little girl with pigtails would, then you'll be happy too!

I just have to share this guys.

I'm super duper happy and productive today!

I've been having a great couple of days overall (besides the fact that I think I figured out why I've been feelign sick for like three weeks which kinda bummed me out for a few minutes before I realized that it means that I'll actually be able to FIX IT - then I was happy). Then today I woke up warm and cozy under my electric blanket since it's totally cold in Cleveland and I felt rested for the first time in forever and literally hopped out of bed and totally got pumped to come into work. Totally rare for this girl who usually doesn't start to move quickly until I get some food into me and I'm already on the road.

Now once I got to work it's not like I had super fun things to do that I was eager to accomplish since sales is literally the most repetitive thing ever, ever. But nonetheless I was still incredibly pumped to sit at my desk and start plugging away.

Dudes...I haven't felt this way for over five months now. Five Months! I don't have the slightest clue what started it, but I know I'm thrilled about it.

So I'm not gonna kill it with questions, and I'm not gonna over analyze it. I'm just gonna enjoy the random super productive happiness and ride it out for as long as I motherfucking can.

Cause I'm actively trying to improve my disposition and state of mind. And for me I think the biggest thing I can do to improve that is to get out of my head a bit more.

See, I have this coworker/friend that I love. She's amazing. But she lives in her head the same way I do, and I'm beginning to see how much it torments her. The minute I realized that, I realized that I need to stop doing the exact same thing.

Super insightful of me, huh?

So...hooray for my current mood, and even more so huzzah to simply enjoying it for once.

Now excuse me, I need to go skipping through fields of lilies and daffodils while simultaneously completing phone calls that will make me millions. Sure the conversations might be a little odd sounding what with the forced breathing that will be associated with the skipping, but if it's making me dollar dollar bills then I'm not gonna worry 'bout it.

Tra la la, la la, la la!