Owwie. Owwwwwwwwwww. Dammit!
Stupid personal trainer.
Oh...I totally got a personal trainer last night. And he kicked me ass. Hardcore.
Now before anyone else starts to think that I'm, like, rolling in the in the dough...cause I'm not...know that I worked real hard to get this guy down in price. Dude, I poored him down to a fifth of the rate he wanted to charge me initially, and I figured out that if I cut my alcohol buying out of my weekend fun I can afford it. And save the empty calories. And not be the sad drunk girl.
So total win-win-win.
But still....OWWWWWWWW!
I can't stand up from a chair or sit down at my desk without having to psyche myself up for the pain. Last night, after I got done with the work out, I couldn't walk right, and I was literally unable to stand. Showering off I had to prop myself up against the wall. I got dressed on my knees for crying in the dark! Walking down the stairs to get food at my house I had to keep myself propped up against the hand rails.
Translation - this is going to be super good for me folks. I'm happy about my decision and looking forward to looking more foxy than I can currently fathom.
Now I'm just gonna go to stand up so I can jump up and down in celebration...
ouch! owwie owwie owwie! ugh!
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