Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fight! Fight! Fight!

I've been very confrontational lately. And by lately I mean in the last twelve hours.

Let me tell ya about it.

First Roth called last night. We talked for about twenty minutes. To sum up, basically I let him know that treating me badly isn't going to be made okay by calling and acting like nothing happened. I laid down the notion that I'm not okay, nor will I soon be okay, with how he treated me. I flat out told him I'm awesome (really...I did!) and that if he's gonna break up with me cause he likes me (he laid that revelation down on me during the talk) then it's his loss. We left it with me apologizing for being a bit bitchy but him understanding why I was.

So I totally laid down the law, and was super strong.

And then there was lunch today. I kinda sorta maybe got into a confrontation with the mean girl in the office joined to ours.

Here's the background. Our building has multiple companies in it. We share a common break room with another one. And the receptionist over there is a biiitttcccchhhhh! Luckily we'll be moving to a new location soon and we won't have to worry about it anymore, but man for the next ten days I gotta deal with the catty Ms. Thing over there.

So we went on our lunch today and, I'm not gonna lie...the girls in the sales pit with me have been enjoying taunting her a bit. Please note we're doing so by simply existing and going into the shared room. But she's been an unnecessary bitch for months and it's fun for us.

In the midst of our lunch a bunch of guys from her office (whom we enjoy the company of) came to eat with us, and we were having a grand ole time when the bitch suddenly walks in, slams the door, and leaves in a huff. I guess because we were being too loud. Which we might of been. but that was so the passive-aggressive way of dealing with it.

Well...my girls and I aren't having that since all we did was enjoy our break.

So my one coworker opens the door again and we simply started saying that we would be sad to be so frustrated by life. Then Bitchy McBitcherson comes in and starts throwing her weight around about how we were talking about her and calling me a hyena.

Well I ain't taking that shit, especially from Lady Bitch of the Bitchenham region. So we had at it. Basically me telling her that she could've been an adult about the situation, and her just droning on. The best moment was when she said in response to my statement that she could have just told us we were being too loud. She yells at me, "well I don't LIKE talking to PEOPLE!"


So anyway. Either I'm a bitch or I just happen to be in a rocking-the-confrontation mode right now. Either way...kinda hope its done. Cause this stuff makes my blood boil and that's no good. But tis done now. So glad I'm going to the gym tonight to work of this stress.

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