Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Zombie run-ins and old-timey phrases

So real quick Kendragon update:

I've been working alot lately which hasn't been too fantastic except for the fact that I worked a radio station event at a haunted house...and got paid by a zombie! Freaking made my life! Awesome Roomie I'm looking to you to help me celebrate this.

Hmm what else? Oh I'm trying to get my film blog up and running (greyfilm.blogspot.com) but it's slow going so far. With my crazy busy schedule I haven't been able to update too, too regularly, but I'm trying. People...berate me to keep it up-to-date. Perhaps verbal threats will be what I need to make sure I make enough time for it!

Oh the swamped existence I lead!

I've been working out more and trying to watch more movies so I can nourish my body and my film obsession properly. I adore Netflix people. ADORE it.

I've been knitting again, which can only mean one thing in the land of the Kendragon - it's gonna get cold soon and I'm getting ready for it. Dagnabit I hate the cold...grr.

Since nothing much interesting happened the last week I'll keep this post short. But I'm well and that's all that matters.


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