Monday, September 15, 2008

Urban Renewal (it's a pun ... get it?)

I always find it fascinating how music touches me.

I'm not talking in the 'Oh that sounded beautiful!' sense, or the 'Damn they can play!' sense. Although those are important, that's not what's on my mind.

No, no. I mean in the sense of 'Huh, it's fitting that that song just popped on the radio,' fittingness. It's like some unseen hand likes to turn the dial to tunes that mesh perfectly with the events of my life.

And it's creepy.

With all the not-so-perfect stuff happening with Roth (boo...wicked boo) I've been kinda bumming the past few days. Not so much that I'm getting low over it, but enough to make me not want to do much and sleep alot.

But doing nothing isn't an option on Monday mornings, so when I went to head off to work and got into my car this morning I was already kinda down in the mouth about what my day was gonna hold. Then, before I got my iPod plugged into my radio (favorite feature of the new car, by the by) the country tune "You'll Think of Me" by Keith Urban popped on.

Now, Lucky Readers, I love me some country. But when you aren't exactly thrilled with something happening in your life it's not the best choice of tunage, what with the heartbreak and sorrow prevalent in the genre.

However, this morning it seems to have been a boon. For my non-country-fan readers, let me share a couple of the lines from it and you'll see why I say this.

Take your records take your freedom
Take your memories I don't need em
Take your space and take your reason
But you'll think of me

Take your cat but leave my sweater
Cause we have nothing left to weather
In fact I'll feel a whole lot better
But you'll think of me

And the next two are particularly good for me right now:

It seems the only blessing I have left to remain
Is not know what we could've been
Or what we should've been

While your sleeping with your pride
Wishing I could hold you tight
I'll be over you and on with my life

Now yes, this song is far too dramatic for the situation I'm in, but this is actually very comforting to me. I'm pretty sure that I'm awesome, and even if I had a strange moment it wasn't anything compared to my fabulousness. So if Roth is really gonna let one less-than-wonderful moment scare him off, then I need to realize that it's his loss.

See, nearly every guy I've come back into contact with after they've stopped seeing me for whatever reason has told me that at some point they've kicked themselves over their action. That must mean something good about me, right? I mean, there must be something redeemable about me that makes up for my silliness.

So thank you random country song! Thank you for creepily playing a song perfect for my mind-frame today, and simultaneously helping me to feel better about myself in a less than idyllic situation!

But the situation still sucks. Sucks hardcore. Bleck!

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