Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Random campfire stories for the cowboys

So I had a blandly fantastic weekend. I did so very little, but it was utterly wonderful. Mostly because it provided me with a lot of time to think that I haven't been able to have lately. And in light of my promise to try to update this more often, I shall now share my joyness with you.

So come, Lucky Readers, gather round the campfire and let me spin you the yarn of Kendragon and the Weekend of Leisure. Listen to the gui-tar being plucked by Jimmy the two-toothed old timer and nestle down on your hunk of log while I take you back to three days ago...

Basically I was at my boss' house again this weekend watching the adorable pup. So I was provided with ample amounts of time to do very little and actually enjoy my Labor Day Weekend.


However I did have to work two days at the crappy job. One happened to be with one of my favorite interns which was wonderful, but the other I was stuck alone at a booth for four hours. If it hadn't been for the kindness of those at the booths near me taking pity and coming to keep me company and bringing me hotdogs from their cookout I surely would have perished.

Pause for the dramatic chord being played old-movie style.

But the lonely period gave me more than enough time to think about the things that I need to do to make my life better. See, again I'm happy right now, but I also am very aware of the fact that I can very easily ruin it by falling into old patterns. Guys, I literally made a list of all the positive traits I could think of about myself. Why you ask? Because I figure if I can remember those and remember why I am a good person then maybe I won't continue to try to convince myself that I'm not deserving of good things and people (ahem...Roth).

See, cause if I don't do that then I have nights like last night where I randomly find myself sobbing (could have had to do with the fact that I had watched two episodes of Intervention back-to-back...love the show but man can it be a bummer) for no reason whatsoever. It's super fun folks, try it some time.

But here's the good bit about that crazy session I had - I was able to control myself this time. And the last few of these similar things that have popped up over the past couple months. I reached out to a friend and talked through it...or at least tried to as much as I could. I was able to detach myself from the frame of mind and move on. And then I was in a good enough mood to go to bed and get a good night sleep.

Now the good talk with Roth right before bed didn't hurt anything either. I really dig him guys. Oh! And he totally took me out on a sweet little date to an Italian restaurant this weekend that was amazingly chill in it's simplicity. Sigh. I find him awesome.


So in light of the more-or-less fruitful weekend of late, this week is going to serve as the recommencing of my attempts at self-improvement. It will begin the way it began before: a rededication to my fitness plan and proper diet, and at least thirty minutes a day meditating on what I can do to continue moving in this positive path and ceasing the happiness sabotage.

I'll be sure to update Cowboys. Now go on and hit the trail. Go on. Git!

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