I don’t normally do the whole New Year’s Resolution thing. I usually find it self-indulgently narcissistic. Resolutions rarely are achievable things because people haven’t figured out the vital aspect of how they will do them, and I find they often are reflecting one’s most base negative opinion of his or her self. Here’s how I imagine resolutions going for most people. Keep in mind, this is a huge generalization. Ahem.
“I think I’m fat so I’m going to resolve to lose weight. I don’t make a real plan so I go to the gym a few times and eat better for a week or so. But then life hits me, I get depressed, and start comfort eating. Then I lose free time so I don’t go to the gym a few days in a row. Next thing I know it’s October and I haven’t lost a pound. I feel bad about myself, and have only succeeded in confirming that I am indeed as fat as I thought I was. I wallow in my negative view of myself as I gain even more weight so that I have another ten pounds on me when I make the same resolution next year.”
See – negative self-fulfilling prophesy disguised as self-help. Ew.
But I’m thinking that I might venture into this territory this year.
Here’s why:
I really like how my attitude has changed these past couple months. I’ve become a lot more positive, healthy, and (I hope) pleasant. I think it’s because I’ve been consciously trying to alter my body and mind. I’ve been planning how I will do these things and, here’s the tricky part, I’ve actually taken the necessary steps! Shocking!
So in the spirit of this success I’m going to continue to actively improve myself in 2009. And I want to put it down in writing so I can keep myself accountable (see, planning!) I figure the timing is very, very apropos, so resolutions is what I’m calling these bad boys.
This is how it’s going to go down.
This year I will:
Continue to work out, but step up my game a bit. I will not only use my trainer, but I will also take what I learn from him and more actively apply it to my routine.
Eat much better. Yes, I will continue to allow myself my little cravings when they pop up (life’s too short not to), but when I only want something cause it looks yummy aka bad for me I’m gonna say no. Healthy snacks ahoy!
Get into an apartment of my own by the end of 2009. So it has been spoken, so it will be.
Be much more responsible about my money. Nuff Said.
Find at least one more hobby and/or rediscover an old one (collages, I’m looking at you)
Start up my film blog again, and not allowing my time crunch to be a deterrent to do this. Mind over matter.
Continue to try to make myself a great sales person. I have the potential to be so, I know it. I just need to do it.
Find an outlet for my singing. A real one.
Get out to Chicago and St. Louis to visit the peeps I love and miss more often.
Be less worried about what people think of me. I will keep trying to simply be content in my self, and positive about the notion that I am a good person with a good heart.
So there are ten things, Party People (by the by…you guys are Party People now. Hope you dig it. I do.). Ten things that I think are very doable, in the line of what I’m already working towards for my life, and will only help me in my progress to becoming a better, happier Kendragon.
I encourage y’all to do something like this too. Making a list of self-improvement resolutions that are realistic, positive, and obtainable has been very satisfying. And is probably one of the best things I’ve done for myself in a bit.
There. Now I was helpful to myself and others. Hooray Kendragon!